Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 2023 – Day 3

Redeeming Grace Baptist Church   -  

We Will Reach the Lost Through Research
Day 3

Project 3000 researches, pursues people on edge of lostness

Planes, trains, buses, motorcycles, cars and boats will get them as close as possible before setting off on foot to find hidden people groups. International Mission Board missionaries are going the extra mile, quite often literally. Why?

“We’re going to the deepest part of lostness, the place where nobody is looking for these folks, to be able to make sure they have the opportunity to hear the life-giving good news that Jesus saves and can move us from perishing to life everlasting,” IMB Vice President John Brady said.

It will take a lot of research, something IMB already conducts at the highest possible level. The IMB is committed to finding and engaging people so far off the map that not much is known about them and their exposure to the gospel. Earlier this year, the IMB launched a new initiative, Project 3000, to engage 3,072 unengaged and unreached people groups. Of this number, 784 groups have no Scripture in their heart language.

New missionary explorers will be journeying into the unknown to find out where they live, learn about their culture, discern their literacy, develop ministry strategies and find people to partner with in the task.

Ray Henry Holiday is in the pioneering group of Project 3000 explorers.

The Tennessean travels with a national partner to remote areas in South Asia for six weeks at a time to live among one of his 10 people groups. Once they arrive in the general area, they find transportation and accommodation.

Holiday compared his job to how Jesus sent out the 72. He’ll go with minimal supplies — “carrying my home on my back.”

He collects as much demographic information as he can and builds relationships. While he uses a translator, he also takes time to study the people’s language.

During his university years, Holiday served in Central Asia with the IMB’s Hands On program. He thought he’d be headed back to the Central Asian country, but when he heard the Project 3000 job description, it was an echo of a burden and prayer the Lord placed on his heart three years ago.

As a high school student, Holiday prayed from Isaiah 6:8, “Here I am, send me.” The verse was shared at an IMB job conference when the Project 3000 assignment was presented. It further confirmed his calling.

“It’s a hard job, and that is part of the reason why I felt called to it. I feel like I have the gifting and ability,” Holiday said. “There is a great need. There is no one going to these folks.”


Pray for Holiday as he and other Project 3000 missionaries scout out and research their people groups.

Pray the Lord will open the hearts of these unreached and unengaged people groups.

Pray God will call more people to serve through Project 3000.


We pray…

Thank You that IMB missionaries are willing to go the distance to see the unreached hear the gospel. We pray for the researchers at the IMB, as they commit to finding and engaging people groups so far off the map that not much is known about them.

Thank You that through the new initiative, Project 3,000, IMB missionaries are committed to making this research practical. New missionary explorers are traveling the mountains, deserts, islands and cities to find more than 3,000 unengaged and unreached people groups. They will journey into the unknown to discover where these people groups live, learn about their culture, discern their literacy, develop ministry strategies and find effective partners in the task.

We pray for the explorers’ boldness, strength and safety as they travel to regions like South Asia, where the largest concentration of these people groups live. Equip them daily for the paths ahead and the uncertainties that each day may bring. Please call more people to serve through Project 3,000, so more may hear as we work together toward the Revelation 7:9 vision.
