Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 2023 – Day 4

Redeeming Grace Baptist Church   -  

We Will Reach the Lost Through Partnerships
Day 4

Partnerships enter new era

Prison ministry. Sports ministry. Developing national missionaries. The dreams discussed around the table were big. International Mission Board missionaries Matt and Gretchen Clay saw the passion rising as the group of pastors and lay ministers figured out ways to introduce their North African neighbors to the gospel. But the Clays didn’t have the resources to invest at the deep level needed by their brothers and sisters in Christ.

They knew who could, though. The missionaries called their partnering churches in Florida — Fruit Cove Baptist Church and Aspire Church — and asked for help in mentoring and empowering these believers to multiply and plant new churches.

“I think the direction we are going to see global missions moving is to partner more with the global church to mobilize workers and increase momentum,” Gretchen explained about the need for help in this ripening harvest field of North Africa. “Using U.S. fellowships along with national partners is a way to multiply the work force.”

This trifecta partnership — the IMB missionaries, two Florida churches and church leaders in North Africa — was decades in
the making. A collaboration of churches in Jacksonville, Florida, began praying for this area of the world back in the late ‘90s. They sent short-term teams through the years to do everything from Vacation Bible School at meetings to ministry in the villages. This newest request, however, was different.

The North Africans didn’t need someone to come “do” prison ministry; in fact, Americans aren’t even allowed in the facility. They needed someone with experience, like Fruit Cove, to listen to their ideas and step in as mentors. They wanted to be trained as a healthy, multiplying church.

“We have a robust prison ministry here [in Florida] and it only makes sense for us to share knowledge,” Tim Maynard, Fruit Cove’s senior pastor, said, noting that each of the Florida churches has different expertise to offer. “This partnership is more about discipling believers who want to go to areas where there are no believers. They need encouragement and training.”

Just thinking about how much the national churches have matured and grown through the years gets Gary Webber, the Aspire Church senior pastor, excited. He remembers when no one in this area was even interested in Jesus, let alone sharing the gospel. To see churches request training and be equipped to multiply and reach the lost is something they’ve prayed to happen for years.

As the decades-old partnership naturally morphs into a new era, the Clays sit back and watch the excitement grow among the Americans and North Africans. They know that church planting and multiplication lead to local ownership of God’s mission.


Some names have been changed due to security reasons.


Pray for these partners as they seek to take the gospel to areas previously untouched by the good news of Jesus Christ. Praise God for requests to be trained and mentored. Ask for continued fruit in the work of the Clays, who are a steadfast presence among the lost.

Praise God for requests to be trained and mentored.

Ask for continued fruit in the work of the Clays, who are a steadfast presence among the lost.


We pray…

Today we praise You for the partnership between IMB missionaries, two Florida churches and national church leaders in North Africa. Thank You that this partnership is the fruit of decades- long prayers. And thank You that through this partnership national believers are being empowered and mentored to multiply and plant new churches.

Thank You for the movement You’ve already begun among these North African peoples. Just a short time ago, these partners can remember when no one in this area was even interested in Jesus, let alone sharing the gospel. They are so thankful to see churches request training and be equipped to multiply and reach the lost.

We ask for continued fruit in the work of IMB missionaries Matt and Gretchen Clay, who are a steadfast presence among the lost. We pray for the work Fruit Cove Baptist Church and Aspire Church are doing in partnership with the Clays and local believers. Bless these churches as they bring a wealth of experience in prison ministry to North African churches and equip local believers to do the same.
