Liturgy Series Resources

Mark Lindgren   -  

When you hear the word “liturgy”, you may think of a Catholic or an Eastern Orthodox service.  Perhaps priestly robes, incense, and rote readings come to mind.  Even though some of these things are a part of the liturgy of other denominations, the word at its most basic level applies to every church.

Liturgy refers to the order of public worship.  Because every church has some order to their worship service,  every church follows some sort of liturgy.  The question, then, is what liturgy does the church follow?  The weekly church gathering is such an important time for us as believers to be encouraged in our faith and to be reminded of the gospel.  This means that every part of the worship service deserves intentional thought and planning.

That’s why I’m excited about this liturgy series we’re going through for the next five weeks.  Not because the pastors and elders and staff don’t think about these things at Redeeming Grace.  We do.  A lot.  I’m excited, because we can pull back the curtain on why we structure our worship services the way that we do.

Below, you’ll find a couple of resources that we’ve put together to help you think more deeply about liturgy and gospel-shaped worship.

It’s my prayer that this series will help you to better participate in the worship service as we glorify God, confess our sins, and find assurance in the work of Christ.  And that you will be encouraged to come back each Sunday for the instruction of the Word and the corporate commitment to be shaped by it.


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