Men’s Ministry Kickoff

Redeeming Grace Baptist Church   -  

CALLING ALL MEN!  Redeeming Grace Baptist Church has added a new ministry focused on men and our roles within the church, at work, and our families.

Have you ever wished you had a “Jesus Coach” in your walk with Christ, or wanted to be a mentor who could help others to grow in their daily walk to reflect Christ in a broken world?  How many times have you read about a need in the community or within the church and wished there was a group of leaders ready to perform service projects as the hands and feet of God?  Quite honestly, have you ever wished you could develop a deep relationship where you were safe and free to discuss and seek guidance on some of the most closely held struggles you encounter in life?  We, as men, are also known to just enjoy some great fellowship and having fun with like minded Christian men once in a while.  If any of these piques your interest, then the RGBC Men’s Ministry is for you!

Built around Christian fellowship, the Men’s Ministry will provide opportunities for developing men as leaders and mentors in the home, in the church, in the workplace, and even in the town square.  We’re passionate about what you’re passionate about, and we’re here for each other! If you have ideas for a great topical bible study, know of service projects to be performed, want some great fellowship opportunities, or know of a good leader or mentor training for faithful men we have space for all of this.  We serve an infinite God, the opportunities to increase our sanctification walk are just as infinite and the Men’s Ministry is focused on facilitating all opportunities as they arise.  You are free to choose which area you wish to participate in when some activities run concurrently.  Sharing and discussing how God is working through each activity at regular Ministry gatherings is how we will benefit collectively even if you’re not directly involved in the specific activity.

The Men’s Ministry held a soft kick-off on Saturday, 8 June with a breakfast served at the church. With thirty-three men attending, we discussed the purpose and goals of the ministry, and Vince Mankowski shared a little of his testimony with those present. There will be two more monthly gatherings during the months of July and August to simply gather, meet, and discuss the activities we wish to begin in the fall after the bow wave of activity that starts the new academic year subsides.  We will need volunteers to host events, and volunteers to lead the events in a cyclical rhythm.  We will continue to meet as a general group periodically so that reports of the various events and activities can be shared with the larger audience and benefit all participants.

If you are interested in participating in the RGBC Men’s Ministry, please contact Vince Mankowski, Joe Pelletier, Rob DeGruy, or Jeremy Rhoton.


Reach out to the church office for their contact information!