New Sermon Series Look – Liturgy: Gospel-Shaped Worship

Adam Polk   -  

At Redeeming Grace, we aim for a gospel-shaped liturgy that keeps our lives centered on the hope we have in Christ.  Each element of the service tracks the flow of God’s redemptive work in our lives.  The structure of our worship begins with Adoration of our great God calling us to praise Him in light of His majestic and holy nature.  As we continue through various aspects of Confession, Assurance, and Instruction we are confronted with our sin and renewed in our hope and identity as God’s people.  At the conclusion of our gathering, we respond with a renewed Commitment to honor and glorify God as we are sent out as his people into the world.

Here are the five parts of Liturgy: Gospel-Shaped Worship we will dive into during this sermon series.

  • June 30th – ​Adoration​​ – Psalm 147​​​
  • July 7th – ​Confession​​ – Isaiah 6:1-7
  • July 14th​ – Thanksgiving – Micah 7:18-19​
  • July 21st – ​Instruction – ​​2 Timothy 3:14-16​​
  • July 28th​ – Commitment​​ – Psalm 67​​​