June Monthly Giving Update

Karissa Myers   -  

“Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.”

-Proverbs 3:9-10

Most of you know that I have 3 children who are 5 years old and under at home. Right now we are in a season of teaching them how to care for their toys. Yes, this means constantly reminding them to clean up their toys but also to treat their toys as they were designed to be treated. For example, we cannot throw a book because it was designed to be read not thrown. Rather we can throw a ball because it was designed to be thrown.

This season has been a constant and enduring lesson in stewardship. Every time I step on a stray Lego or trip on a baby doll, I’m reminded to be faithful in my own stewardship. The lesson of caring for the things God has given me is a constant theme and makes me grateful for the things he has entrusted me with during this time of my life.

Now that we are half way through 2024, I pray we are all encouraged to grow in our careful stewardship of all our God given blessings.


June giving:$80,155.79
June budget need:$65,384.67
June giving balance:$14,771.12
Yearly giving through June 30:$421,119.81
Budget need through June 30:$392,308.00
Year to June 30 giving balance:$28,811.81