Mingling & Munchkins – Spring Recap

Hannah Roberson   -  

This spring, the RGBC Children’s and Women’s Ministry co-hosted the first “season” of Mingle and Munchkins. The idea for the event was born out of seeing the success of Coffee and Coworking and a desire for a dedicated time of fellowship and encouragement for the moms of the church. Each event was a unique blend of moms from multiple stages and God used it as a chance for these women to get to know each other better and encourage one another in motherhood. These events spurred on other organic opportunities for moms to get their kids together and form discipleship groups for further Biblical encouragement.

We were especially grateful for Doreen Ashley and Joanne Mankowski offering their time to provide childcare during these events. The moms were able to have uninterrupted time for adult conversation – often a rarity for mothers with young children! Their willingness to serve also gave a unique opportunity for kids to get used to the nursery in a more laid back environment and made Sunday morning nursery drop offs easier for some of the more hesitant little ones.

Finally, these events gave a venue for inviting new moms and other community members into RGBC for an informal time of fellowship and getting to know women in the church. We were pleased to see several community members get introduced or reintroduced into the church and pray they continue to be involved in church life.

Please be in prayer for this ministry as it kicks off again in the fall! If you are a mom interested in getting involved or if you are interested in helping provide childcare, please feel free to reach out to Hannah Roberson or Amy Morris for more information.