Introducing Elder-to-Be: Jeff Smith

Adam Polk   -  

RGBC family,

It is a gift from the Lord to have a great group of elders that help shoulder the pastoral load at Redeeming Grace.  We are truly blessed to have a group of men who truly care for the spiritual health of our church and who give countless hours to shepherding faithfully.  Over the past year we’ve been prayerfully considering who the Lord may have in our church that could join our elder team to help us continue leading our church.  With that in view, the elders are excited to announce that we are nominating Jeff Smith to serve as an elder at Redeeming Grace.  The elders have met numerous times with Jeff this year including a formal meeting in September where Jeff met with all the elders to be examined on views of Christian doctrine and Christian life issues.   Having heard Jeff’s understanding of the Christian faith, and having observed Jeff serve our church family in various roles over the past few years, and being convinced that he meets the biblical qualifications to serve as an elder we are pleased to put him forward as an elder candidate.

The bylaws require at least a 30-day notice to the church prior to a church vote for any elder candidate which gives the church time to prayerfully consider a nominee.   We do ask that you pray regarding Jeff’s nomination and if questions or concerns arise regarding his nomination, that you reach out to one of the current elders before December 1st.  Assuming there are no valid reasons to pause Jeff’s nomination we plan to present Jeff for a vote of the church at the December 8th members meeting at 4PM.

The elders are excited to be walking with Jeff through this process.  Be praying for Jeff, his wife Shelby, and their daughter Charlotte as they consider this opportunity as a family.  And let’s all commit to seeking the Lord’s guidance for this important decision as a church family.


Pastor Adam
(on behalf of the elders)


Jeff Smith grew up in Parkersburg, West Virginia before moving to Southern Maryland in the summer of 2010. Jeff is married to his high school sweetheart, Shelby. They are both graduates of West Virginia University, and they’ve been attending RGBC since the summer of 2020. They have one daughter together, Charlotte.