Highlights of 2024
God was gracious to Redeeming Grace this year. It has been fun to see God pour out blessings on his people through our ministries. Together as the body of Christ, we have been able to worship God in beautiful ways and share God’s love with one another and the world!
In January, we began our 2nd year in the new building. I enjoyed watching the space become a home and hub of activity for the church to meet, celebrate, disciple, and worship together.
February sent 24 students to participate in Winter Meltdown at River Valley Ranch in western Maryland.
In March, we voted in 19 new members out of the 44 new members we gained in 2024. The Women’s Ministry also hosted our first ever Women’s Retreat.
April saw many events like the GoodLife Speaker Series, Secret Church, Baby/Kids Item Swap, and Women’s Cooking Classes. We also celebrated a baptism.
In May, we hosted a Worship Night and a Youth Day Retreat.
June kicked off our summer programs including Dinner for 8, several Book Studies, and a missions trip to Guatemala. We also hosted our first ever Serve Sunday where several members stepped up to serve in the various ministries of Redeeming Grace. The Men’s Ministry also kicked off their ministry with a Men’s Prayer Breakfast.
In July, the Women’s Ministry took a day trip to Lancaster, PA for some shopping and to see “Daniel” at Sight & Sound Theater.
In August, we sent a team to assist in Missions Week in Leicester, UK. We also hosted Connect Sunday to kick off the new ministry year.
September started weekly meetings of new Home Groups, Equip Classes, RGBC Youth and Maryland Christian Co-op.
In October, we had a very successful church-wide picnic. The Men’s Ministry took a Canoe Trip. We also sent several people to assist with Hurricane Relief in North Carolina.
November sent the youth to a Disciple Now weekend, another Hurricane Relief Trip, Winter Coat Drive and Operation Christmas Child collection. We also celebrated two baptisms.
In December, we rounded out the year with several Christmas parties, culminating in our Christmas Eve Service.
Wow — I’m nearly exhausted just listing these highlights. Of course, this isn’t an exhaustive list of all the ministry that took place this year! Our church has labored well in 2024. I am looking forward to the new and returning ministries in 2025!
For one more treat, below are highlights of the year from various ministry leaders, elders, and deacons in our church. Enjoy!!!
“Hosting our first RGBC Fall Church Picnic was such a joy! After all the years of praying and getting to be a part of our many dedicated church family members that supported our Putting Down Roots Campaign, watching our faithful leaders and ministry leads plan and prepare for our new church facility, and then it was such a treat to see how our Hospitality Team came together to plan and successfully host our first church picnic. It was such a blessing the Lord provided this new church, He granted us beautiful weather, and it was pure joy seeing all of our church family and guests having a time of fellowship, a time to play games and do crafts, and really just be with one another.” -Holly Snyder
“I am continually encouraged by our worship each week! I also really enjoy doing our new format for communion!” -John Keeler
“Michael and I are encouraged seeing our church family grow. We love being a part of a church that is actively reaching our community through intentional efforts to share the Gospel message which stands firm on God’s word. We love our opportunities to serve and are richly blessed by the lifetime friendships we’ve made thus far.” -Bonnie Kessler
“As an elder and church member, I am excited to see individuals come along side others at RGBC and do the ‘togethers’ with one another. Living with, supporting, caring for, cheering on, crying with, serving Jesus and just loving one another….together.” -Dave Morris
“Top highlight: The weekly rhythm of Home Group. There is not one night that particularly stands out above the rest, but the cumulative impact of gathering week in, week out to pray and fellowship around God’s word has been an encouragement to my soul. I’m grateful for being able to grow together with other brothers and sisters in Christ.” -Jeremy Rhoton
“Highlight for 2024 was serving alongside RGBC members in Western North Carolina. Seeing how the team was quickly formed and eager to faithfully serve was a true blessing. Realizing on that trip how the Lord used a painful season in my life for His glory was extremely encouraging and a reminder of His faithfulness.” -Ken Mansfield
“A big highlight for 2024 is seeing how God shapes the church body. This past year we’ve seen long-time members of RGBC move away yet the Lord is kind to bring the blessing of new folks to fill their place. God shapes and builds his church!” -Adam Polk
“We have so many new kiddos that I constantly have to keep asking folks, ‘who’s kid is this?’. A nice problem to have! God is good.” -John Spinnenweber
“Seeing the equip classes in RGBC Children’s Ministry grow has been so encouraging. Having a variety of teachers from different walks of life is key to reaching our kids where they are at. The RGBC baby boom also continued to the point where we had to open another room up for our nursery!” -Hannah Roberson
“Being a part of our youth group has certainly been a highlight and a blessing for me. Getting to know these amazing young people has truly been a joy. What a great opportunity to see God’s hand at work in the lives of our youth!” -Stephanie Schmelzer