Graduate Sunday 2024 Recap

Redeeming Grace Baptist Church   -  

Last Sunday, June 9, we celebrated the Class of 2024 high school and college graduates in our church family.  We prayed for them and thanked the Lord for His provision for them.  We celebrated their accomplishments with a beautiful display in the foyer, delicious treats, and joyful fellowship!  Below are a few fun facts about our 2024 graduates!

Daniel Katulich

High School Graduate from Home School

Plans on attending the CSM to pursue an associate degree in mechanical engineering and then transferring to the UMD to obtain his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering

Favorite Bible verse: Philippians 4:11-13

Favorite RGBC Youth Memory: Winter Meltdown with friends and diving deep into God’s Word and fellowshipping with other youth away from the outside world and all its distractions. He enjoyed being able grow relationships with his fellow youth, as well as winning the camp-wide dodgeball tournament

Favorite Worship Song: “Death Was Arrested” by North Point Worship

Jonathan Miller

High School Graduate from Home School

Plans to attend College of Southern Maryland, then transfer to Bowie State University to pursue a Computer Science degree

Favorite Bible verse: Romans 5:8

Favorite Youth Memory: RGBC Youth Lock-in during the pandemic

Favorite Worship Song: “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”

Ashton Rice

Graduated in Sept 2023 from Accelerated Training in Defense Manufacturing in Danville, VA and started working for BAE Systems in Virginia Beach doing Non-Destructive Testing on Navy ships

Joanna Choporis

Graduated from Florida Tech University with Master’s In Business Administration

Post-grad plans include continuing to work at the St. Mary’s County Courthouse for now, but looking to further her career

Encouraged by Philippians 4: 6-7

Jeremiah Rhoton

Graduated from The University of Alabama in Huntsville with a degree in Computer Science

Post-grad plans include working on base

Encouraged by Matthew 22:36-40

Margaret Aaron

Graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Biomedical Engineering

Post-grad plans include working on getting a job on base/nearby

Encouraged by Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Congratulations, again!  May the Lord bless you and keep you!