Women’s Kickoff Recap

Amy Morris   -  

The RGBC Women’s Ministry had their annual ministry kickoff event this past Saturday. It was a wonderful time of fellowship, food, games, and seeing what the 2025 ministry year will look like. This year’s theme is Fruit of the Spirit, which goes along nicely with the Women’s Equip Class  The games and food (and decorations!) were also fruit themed from “Unscramble the fruit” to “Fruits from A-Z!” We also ate lots of yummy fruit and pastries!


The Women’s Ministry Team went over the events throughout the year.  If you could not make it we have listed below our year at a glance. We also have all of the dates and events listed on the GRID! 

  1. January through March… Women’s Equip Class, based on Galatians 5:22-23..If you haven’t joined us please come out and participate!  We meet Sunday Mornings from 9-10 am.

  2. February- Crochet Group!  Come out if you crochet, knit or have a portable hobby as we sit and fellowship. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month in the church foyer from 7-9 pm. We will be starting back up on February 10th. Come join us for crochet and fellowship!

  3. March-We are bringing back Secret Sister!  This will be starting March 9th to April 12th. This will be an opportunity for you to serve another lady in the church via small gifts, tokens of love and prayer.  More info will be coming so  pop by the Women’s Ministry Table to join in on the fun!

  4. We are having our first ever “Skills Sharing” weekend March 14-15. This event will take place in the church or in the homes of those who have a skill to share! We are looking for ladies with talents ranging from any of the ideas listed below or more! … crafts, nutrition, baking, household tips, finances, computer skills, cooking, organizational tips, etc…If you are interested in presenting or sharing any skill or talent with other ladies from church, please contact one of the members of the Ministry Team…Once we get a few ladies to do workshops we will create a schedule with sign ups for those who may want to present! More details forthcoming.

  5. April- “Cookies for Carver” starting April 27 and finishing May 4. This is an opportunity to Bake some cookies and bring them to church for the faculty and staff at George Washington Carver Elementary School, our local school.  A great way to let them know that we are praying for them and to show our appreciation during Teacher Appreciation Week.

  6. May-”Tea and Testimony Time“ with Rene’ Reed; we will sip some tea and hear about how the Lord has been working in Rene’s Life. Come out to hear her testimony in the church foyer on May 17th.

  7. Summer Women’s Day Trip on June 28th to Carter Mountain Orchard in Charlottesville, VA, We will be going to Carter Mountain in Charlottesville to pick peaches and then downtown for lunch and shopping.  Sign ups will be forthcoming.

  8. June-July-August we will have our annual Book Circles…See our featured books for this summer at the GRID! We will pick three dates…one in June, one in July and one in August.  We will read the books independently and then gather together to discuss the book.  These books will be themed around Missionaries!

  9. Back to School Drive will take place in August.  We will collect school items for our local Elementary School.  A great way to make a presence in our community and help others out.

  10. September- Tea and Testimony Time #2…we will have another time of testimony sharing.  More details to come!

  11. October-Fall Event…TBD

  12. November-Operation Christmas Child.  We will once again serve at the Baltimore Plant and pack up boxes for Samaritan’s Purse. What a great way to help impoverished children feel the Love of Christ!

  13. December-Christmas Party on December 12th; the theme this year is your hometown. So bring a gift or a few little items that represent your hometown.


We also have other additional events that are ongoing throughout the year!  


  1. Good News Club at Carver Elementary School is a time where we share the love of Christ and encourage children. We are always looking for volunteers. Even if you can only help 1 or 2 times, please consider! If you are interested please contact Rosalva Miller.

  2. Resources of the Month at the Book Stall. Each month our women’s ministry features a book will to either buy or borrow from the church Library. See the church bookstall for more information. For more questions, reach out to Doreen Ashley

  3. Munchkin & Mingle Group will be starting up soon and is a time where moms can Mingle and children can play while supervised by other ladies. For more questions, reach out to Hannah Roberson.

  4. Clothing Swap dates and times will be forthcoming.  We will have a sign up for donating clothes. Clothing can range from baby to older children, maybe adults. It depends on who signs up to donate! For more questions, reach out to Christina Keeler. Stay tuned for more specific dates!

  5. Bible Study at Martha Coleman’s house during the day. Nice time for fellowship and all are welcome! As a note, there is also a wheelchair accessible ramp. For more questions, reach out to Martha Coleman.


As always, please join our RGBC FB group and check out THE GRID for new information. We have our Ministry Team Table set up most Sunday’s in the foyer and there is always someone there who can assist you with any questions or details. 


May you keep the Women’s Ministry Team in your prayers as we execute and plan for the year!