Annie Armstrong Easter Offering 2025 – Week of Prayer Day 1

Redeeming Grace Baptist Church   -  

He can trace his family all the way back to the Mormon pioneers who came to Utah 178 years ago with Brigham Young. But when Josh Woolley came to the church David Gaskins planted in Provo, Utah, he heard the true gospel and he made a decision that’ll affect his family for generations to come. “I decided to follow the Jesus of the Bible,” Josh says. “Now, the whole trajectory of my family tree is changed forever.”


“You really should hear them sing.”

That’s one of the first things David Gaskins tells people when they ask about Mosaic Church in Provo, Utah, where he and his wife, Sara, serve as church planting missionaries. “Every Sunday, it brings me to tears,” David says. “The voices are just thunder in that room because so many of our people have lost everything for Jesus.”

According to David, Provo, home to Brigham Young University, is the “heartbeat and hub” of the worldwide Mormon church. “Planting a church here is obviously a tall order,” says David. “But we love Mormons and want them to believe in the real Jesus. That’s why we came.”

In Provo, there’s only 1 evangelical church for every 18,000+ people.

Four years after its launch, Mosaic is now a loud-singing congregation made up largely of young, onetime Mormons who are paying a price for their response to the gospel. ‘When somebody here leaves the Mormon church, it’s a really big deal,” says David. “They lose their job. They get shunned by their family. This church is all they have, and that’s why they sing loudly. They’ve found the real Jesus, and they’re never going back.”


Pray for…

  • God to call more missionaries who will share the gospel with people in Utah.
  • Wisdom, humility, and boldness for David and the other pastors at Mosaic Church.
  • God to grow David and Sara closer together while they live and serve in a difficult place.